I wasn't
looking to be an artist.
It happened upon me while I was chasing other notions.
At any rate, I assemble my pieces
by accident when I can,
and try not to hold them too tightly.
They are my teachers when I have
the courage to accept their tutelage.
When I let myself see it,
they show me who I am and who I
might dare to be.
I don't consciously contrive my
A work feels the most truthful when
it presents me with no literal translation.
I have a reluctance to trust one
at some point during its unfolding,
doesn't bring me to abject despair,
or upon its revelation, lift me
to irrepressible joy.
Authentic self-conversation is my
only desire,
for I know the more honest my inner
ultimately, the more effective will
my renditions be at speaking to
the viewer.
Each to their own depth of cultivation;
what for them now is a conversation
to begin,
is for me merely a tangible reminder
of the moments of its creating.